There’s no sugar coating it – being self-employed as a Virtual Assistant is hard work. Whilst the highs of owning your own business are so very high, the pressure of maintaining everything (marketing, finance, networking, legals, insurance) as well as the actual client work plus managing your own personal life and also perhaps that of a family, is stressful!!!
The threat of burn-out is real if you don’t have the coping mechanisms in place. Being seven years into my Virtual Assistant business, I generally do have everything pretty well-balanced. But adding building work on our home into the mix four months ago, recently saw me reaching breaking point!
The demands of the build really started eating into my work time and I felt like I was constantly playing catch-up. On top of that, I started losing sleep and that made everything so much worse. I found myself over-reacting to situations and catastrophising minor issues. Something had to change!
There’s an app for that!
Limitless Hypnotherapy has helped me come back from the brink! It is an app created by Louise Squires, a clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist.
It’s a one-stop shop for becoming the best version of you. You can choose from hypnosis sessions, dozens of step by step yoga videos, self-improvement ebooks and guided meditation sessions, and the content is updated weekly with new hypnotherapy sessions!
Sleep Hypnosis
I started with the sleep hypnosis which was insane! I had never tried hypnotherapy before but had wondered about it on and off over the years to help me with my sensitivity to noise which causes anxiety. I was excited to give it ago and I am so glad I did. I can honestly only comment on the first two minutes of the recording, as that is as far as I ever get!
Louise’s voice is so calming and soothing, and all I can describe it as, is a feeling of her voice drifting further away as the hypnosis progresses. I fall asleep and according to my fitness tracker which also tracks my sleep, it does the job and sends me off into a deep sleep. Just check out the before image of my sleep tracking compared to the first two nights using the app!

I have been sleeping through the night and I wake up feeling rested and refreshed.
Meditation Sessions
I have previously blogged about the importance of taking breaks during the day, which is so easy to forget when you are self employed and working from home.
The calm meditation on the Limitless app is an absolutely perfect 10 minute reset for during the working day and really serves it’s purpose, to calm me down and allow me to refocus when I am having one of ‘those’ days. Even my seven year old has joined me since she started her school holidays!
Using it is as easy as clicking into the Meditation section then on ‘Calm – Meditation’. There is no login required at all, so you can be set up and ready to go literally within seconds.

As the saying goes, ‘if you don’t take time for your wellness, then you will be forced to take time for your illness’ and recently that has resounded with me more than ever!
Whether like me you need help with anxiety and stress or perhaps you are suffering from insomnia, motivation, phobias, self-belief, or something else, I would heartily recommend checking out Limitless Hypnotherapy.
Download from Google Play Store
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