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Why Anna swapped social work for life as a Virtual Assistant!

life as a Virtual Assistant

You’ve heard from me plenty of times now as why life as a Virtual Assistant is amazing. It affords me a flexibility that no employed role could offer me at the time I set up my business seven years ago.

I am there for school drop offs and pick-ups, I can take a cheeky morning off to go Christmas shopping if I fancy it and I can offer my daughter’s opportunities to try activities after school that would have been closed off if I had stayed in my 9-5 trainer role that had me travelling in the region of 500 miles a week and trying to simultaneously meet crazy deadlines and targets.

It is crazy to think that I now earn more money, sat in my pyjamas on the sofa, managing a clients social media than I did when I was travelling up and down motorways across the Northwest for a massive national training provider!

I am not alone in loving life as a Virtual Assistant!

Recently, I asked my network on social media why and how they got into life as a Virtual Assistant. I was delighted to be contacted by Anna from Salisbury Virtual Assistance and I’m pleased to share her story below. I hope that if you too are looking to make a move away from your career into the world of Virtual Assistance, you will find it as inspiring as I did!

Over to Anna!

Before I started my family, I was a front-line social worker working in a highly pressured and stressful role in child protection and fostering. This is a job I just couldn’t make fit around family life. I had amassed a huge number of transferable skills in time management, organisation, attention to detail and communication to name a few. I decided to take the leap into becoming self-employed and started searching the web for ideas. As soon as I came across the Virtual Assistant role, I knew it was just what I wanted to do.

I found my first client by chance on Facebook before I had even set up an email address or business name! We had the discovery call, and the rest was history! I started working with them November 2021 and officially launched by December. I now have several clients and love working with people from different backgrounds. My main niche is working with mums in business balancing work and family life. I offer both business and lifestyle support. One day I could be building a spreadsheet or booking a business trip the next day booking holiday camps for the children or sourcing a gift. My husband also offers high level excel support services alongside me. I love that no two days are the same.

How to contact Anna:

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