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Get your business growth plan to skyrocket!

business growth

Your business growth plan may not be at the forefront of your mind when you hire a Virtual Assistant. But it’s certainly a product of an effective working relationship with one!

Let’s talk details

Whatever your profession, think about those tasks that are not directly linked to your role. Ones that aren’t part of your main skillset, and take up too much of your time. They could be things you know how to do, but don’t have the time. Or they could be things like marketing where you don’t have the knowledge or expertise.

What would you hire a Virtual Assistant for? For me when I was a Trainer, it would have been expenses. It would take at least three hours a month and that was even having all the receipts to hand. You know you could spend your time doing something more productive with that time. Something that supports your business growth!

Social media is a common area for support amongst Virtual Assistants. Say you’re a tutor or a scientist or a sleep consultant for example first and foremost. So you know you need social media for your business. You know you need to be posting, and have heard phrases like ‘engaging followers’ but really it’s just not your thing and to be quite honest, you don’t have the time.

Try doing a quick audit of the tasks you get bogged down with. What could be delegated to someone else if you simply spent some time showing them how.

I probably only need help now and again when I am on the verge of burnout from work

Then that’s totally fine – you just need to find a Virtual Assistant that is happy with that working arrangement.

It’s something to mention at the point of the initial enquiry you make. Some Virtual Assistants will absolutely be able to accommodate that.

Personally, I do generally have some space in my week for ad-hoc work, and if not immediately available I can tell clients when I will be. Sometimes there may be a two week wait for example. This time is time I put aside for my own business development. I will plan tasks like blog writing which I am prepared to put to one side now and again.

However, you do need to bear in mind that requirements that include minimum hours and monthly retainer fees are fairly commonplace amongst Virtual Assistants.

There are Virtual Assistants out there like me though, who prefer to keep things a bit more flexible, so just ask the question!

So how can a Virtual Assistant help my business growth plan?

When you started your business, what vision did you have for it’s future?

Did the growth plan include expansion, employment of staff, perhaps setting up a franchise? Or like me, did you turn to self-employment for the flexibility? But have you since found that you’re a slave to your clients and are working all the hours to fit in your admin as well? Weekends off with the family are a thing of the past whilst you try and do ALL the things for your family

With a Virtual Assistant on board lightening your load, not only will you find yourself with a clearer diary, but more than likely you will have a clearer head too. You can start working on your business growth plan again instead of treading water just getting through each day and week!

And if they’re anything like me, you will also find yourself with suggestions on improving business processes as well!