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Don’t waste valuable time looking for a Virtual Assistant job online when you have your existing clients!

virtual assistant job

If you find yourself with availability, then stop yourself from Googling and searching for a Virtual Assistant job online!

As tempting as it may be to go with previously tried and tested strategies for finding jobs, being a self-employed Virtual Assistant is a bit different!

Virtual Assistant UK jobs

As I have mentioned previously, there are thousands of searches per month for Virtual Assistant UK jobs. In fact in the last month there has been 2900 alone!

It is amazing that this little-known profession when I started 7 years ago, is now more prominent. But with prominence comes competition!

The easiest way to sell your Virtual Assistant Services

If you find yourself with availability, your first port of call should be your existing clients! They are familiar to you and you to them, and over time I am sure that you will have spotted things in their business that could be improved, streamlined or even introduced.

How to offer your Virtual Assistant services

This will depend on your niche but I’ll give you some examples for starters.

If you offer social media services, take a look at their current social media offering. Could you sell the case for starting up an Instagram page as well as their existing Facebook. Maybe they are not interacting with their followers or posting to stories as regularly as they should be. Could you help answer messages or do some hashtag research?

If you offer web services, could their website be updated and regular blogs provided?

Or if you help with their invoicing and finances, do you have another service you could add on?

What are they not getting around to each month? Returning sales leads? Attending meetings as they are bogged down?

Audit what they have and brainstorm what they could add and make a case! It has to be easier than starting the hunt for a new Virtual Assistant job.

An alternative approach

You could simply mention your availability to them!

Advise that you have X amount of hours a week coming up and before you offer it out to new clients, is there anything else you could support them with.

It takes confidence but you can do it!

It takes confidence, but I know you can do it! By spending some time researching and collating your existing clients’ potential development in order to present the opportunities to them, you are saving yourself competing unnecessarily with others for a Virtual Assistant job online.

Next steps to take as an alternative to searching for Virtual Assistant jobs UK

For eight actionable strategies for finding clients, tried and tested by me, check out my ebook!

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