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Discover Easy Support For Your Virtual Assistant UK Business

Virtual Assistant UK

There are no two ways about it, life with a freelance Virtual Assistant UK business is hard work! I have lost count of the number of times over the past six years that I have thought about packing it all in. It is just you navigating all the marketing, finance systems, legal requirements, and then the actual paid client work.

It’s crucial to seek support and lighten your own load wherever you can, and through my training and resource hub, I aim to do just that through my blogs and Virtual Assistant downloads.

Peace of mind Virtual Assistant UK

What brings you peace of mind in business? For me, it is knowing I am protecting myself where it matters. Virtual Assistant insurance and internet security is where it’s at. Do you have terms and conditions and contracts in place? Identify what is going to bring you peace of mind for your Virtual Assistant UK business, and go from there.

Use time-saving tools wherever possible

My biggest time-saving tool is having access to 2,000,000 stock photos on Canva Pro. When I first started out, I wasn’t earning much and wanting to keep my costs as low as possible. I would source free images to use, but it would take soooo much time. Is Canva free? There is a free option but by paying the equivalent of a few coffees each month, I save way more money in real terms by having more time to spend on paid assignments.

Outsource your own work if needed

I would try to do everything myself and as I grew, realised that I no longer had time to do absolutely all of it myself. The first help I called in was an accountant to check that I was on the right track and doing things correctly.

What aren’t you sure about in business? If it’s social media, I can help! I am a social media Virtual Assistant and can either have a conversation about taking it on for you, or you could check out my fully-customisable templates for download.

Never stop learning

I have recently taken this amazing Pinterest course. What about you? Is there something you shy away from either for your own business or is there a task you are just not 100% on for clients, and you get the ick every time you are asked?

Maybe you are not yet a Virtual Assistant and are hoping to become one? Why not check out my Virtual Assistant training which is packed with advice to get set up and operational quickly. Very soon I am going to be releasing an ebook on how to find clients; a detailed guide of all the avenues available to you to exploit!

Update – my ebook is now published!

So, fellow Virtual Assistant UK….

You are not alone. It may feel like it as a Virtual Assistant some days, but you are not. Look out for a Virtual Assistant group I will soon be launching on Facebook, which will give like-minded Virtual Assistants a place to ask questions, share wins, and just generally be a supportive community to move amongst.