If you’ve landed on this blog as you are looking for jobs that work from home part time, then I am happy to say that you are in the right place!
Virtual Assistant may not be the first thing that springs to mind when searching for work from home jobs. But it is a fabulously flexible way to earn an income from home part time.
Through this post I am aiming to give you a whistle-stop tour of all things Virtual Assistant!
What is a Virtual Assistant?
It’s a question I am faced with frequently! In short, a Virtual Assistant is a remote admin professional who tends to be self-employed and freelances for a number of different clients.
Read more: What is a Virtual Assistant?
I already have a job – can I do this as well?
Yes you absolutely can! I started freelancing as a Virtual Assistant when I was on maternity leave. I found that you could be self-employed and earning whilst also in receipt of statutory maternity pay. After maternity leave finished, I continued freelancing whilst going back to work. For the last eight years I have been employed part-time for 17.5 hours a week and freelanced part time as a Virtual Assistant around that and my family commitments.
If you are self-employed, you must register for self-assessment to pay tax and national insurance etc.
What type of work do Virtual Assistants do?
Virtual Assistants are administrative professionals. Their services range from high end executive level support tasks such as arranging travel, diary management etc, through to admin support tasks. This may include work such as organising emails, research, data entry.
Virtual Assistants can choose to niche (as I have done with social media) or they can offer more generalist support. It’s your business, so the choice is yours!
Read more: Services to offer as a Virtual Assistant – 30 ideas!
How do Virtual Assistants find work?
There are so many ways in which you can find Virtual Assistant jobs that work from home part time. Although many of the ways in which you would find employed work will be different to the ways that you find work as a freelancer.
I have a dedicated Virtual Assistant jobs page on my website which rounds up where to look for work. It also has links to job adverts I find online and links to my ebook on how to find clients for your Virtual Assistant business.
I have also just released a course about the tried and tested methods through which I have found clients. Proven strategies that you will be able to start deploying immediately in your own Virtual Assistant business.
Do I have to work set hours or can I be flexible?
This is something which needs to be discussed with a client at the start of a contract. When I start with any client, I make it clear that whilst my main working hours are Mondays and Tuesdays. I outline that my hours may vary week to week depending on my children’s commitments. For example, when I was chaperoning my daughter in panto, I would be doing that in the daytimes and I would work in the evenings. Virtual Assistant work which requires me to be available on specific days and specific times, are not going to be a fit for my business. Through working like this I have found clients who are just like me – mums working flexibly around the needs of their families.
If you would like to find out more, then your first stop should be my Virtual Assistant blog which talks about all things Virtual Assistant! If you decide you would like to explore the option in more detail, then head to my Virtual Assistant training page. There you will find links to my course and ebook.
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