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Services to offer as a Virtual Assistant – 30 ideas!

services to offer as a virtual assistant

It’s a question many Virtual Assistants ask themselves when they are starting out – what services should I offer as part of my Virtual Assistant job? Well, ask yourself no more, as this list of 30 services you can offer as a Virtual Assistant will help you clarify things!

The choice is yours, but personally, I say offer a range of Virtual Assistant services and it’s a no to niching.

Why pigeonhole yourself and limit your potential when I am in no doubt that you have a whole arsenal of skills at your disposal. Skills that you have put a lot of time, effort, and potentially money into nurturing.

How many Virtual Assistant services should you offer

This one is entirely up to you! But let me ask you, how many services do you offer currently? If it’s less than 3, there are bound to be services you can add for very little extra effort.

I am ‘predominantly’ a social media Virtual Assistant, but if one of my clients asks me to design them a leaflet, or carry out some competitor research, that’s absolutely do-able. I have had data entry roles, planned events, updated websites, written copy, created graphics…..

So, if you are wondering what else you could offer as a Virtual Assistant, check out my list below for inspiration!

Ideas of services to offer as a Virtual Assistant

  1. Social media content creation
  2. Social media engagement
  3. Analytics for social media
  4. Designing graphics – leaflets, invitations etc (check out free tool Canva for this if you don’t already use it!)
  5. Logo design
  6. Sourcing suppliers and price comparisons
  7. Managing expenses
  8. Bookkeeping
  9. Telemarketing
  10. Inbound sales
  11. Follow up on leads
  12. Mystery customer calls
  13. Competitor research
  14. Data entry
  15. Data cleansing
  16. Event planning
  17. Diary management
  18. Appointment setting
  19. Email management and categorisation
  20. Prrof-reading (not your strong point? Use this free Grammarly tool!)
  21. Update web copy/cleansing
  22. Add blogs to websites
  23. Travel bookings
  24. Typing
  25. Transcription
  26. Create powerpoints
  27. PDF work – create fillable forms etc
  28. Set up spreadsheets and add formulas
  29. Upload items to online stores such as Etsy/Shopify
  30. Create email templates /copy in providers such as Mailchimp

How many could you tick off?

I bet that there are loads of services on there that you have the skills to be able to offer now to clients! If you are wondering how to market them, then check out this blog ‘Don’t waste valuable time looking for a Virtual Assistant job online when you have your existing clients!’ for advice.

Still not sure?

The first section of my Virtual Assistant training looks at how you can analyse your existing skills to decide on what services to offer to clients.

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