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Virtual Assistant service – what will you offer?

virtual assistant services

I get asked a lot what Virtual Assistant service I offer and I LOVE it, because I love the variety that comes with the answer. Knowing that I have that in my professional life makes me really happy!

My Virtual Assistant service is social media content creation

Right now my work consists mainly of social media content creation. By that I mean I write posts and create the graphics to go with them. I then schedule them for the majority of my clients who are on monthly packages. Platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin.

It’s not a random act, it’s a carefully planned and balanced process, looking at previous post analytics against mixed types of content to keep their audience engaged and interacting. I also keep an eye on what their competitors are doing and keep up-to-date with their industry in the news for any worthy items to share.

One client has an additional service on their package as they receive several messages a day via social media about their services, and so I respond to those as and when they come in as well.

Read more: Virtual Assistant Instagram Post Ideas

But what if you’re not into social media

I have several other clients who use my Virtual Assistant service on a pick up put down basis, getting in touch as and when they need some support.

This could involve anything from

  • adding blogs onto websites (see more at Virtual Assistant blog post ideas)
  • creating graphics such as Insta highlight covers (see more at Canva template for Instagram)
  • adding Facebook events
  • populating empty Facebook page sections such as Services
  • interacting with followers in Instagram
  • running reports
  • creating Powerpoint presentations
  • updating website content
  • proofreading
  • creating leaflets and posters

…. I could go on! Upwork is a great place to find work in any of the above niches.

In a nutshell I am a bit of a social media manager, graphic designer, copywriter, administrator all rolled into one.

Why hire a Virtual Assistant?

Could my clients do these things themselves, for the vast majority of my clients – yes they could. Do they have the time to do them – possibly. But is their time better spent doing the core work of their business to support their growth plan – absolutely!

One hour of outsourced admin to me for my client will cost them £20. They can then fill that time with additional client calls or appointments – how much could they have earned in that time? Not an insignificant amount!

If you’re nodding along, thinking yes, I need a Virtual Assistant, please get in touch for a free 15 minute consultation.

If you’re nodding yes but you’re not sure about letting go of part of your business for the first time, then I would recommend checking out my Facebook reviews. I have been the first person many of my clients have let in and it makes me so happy that they are glad they took that first outsourcing step.