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Discover the Role of a Virtual Assistant: Everything You Need to Know

What is a Virtual Assistant

If I had a pound for every time someone had asked me ‘What is a Virtual Assistant?’…..

Yes generally, whenever I tell people I am a Virtual Assistant, I am met with fairly blank looks! I am not even sure my family knows what it is, to be honest! So allow me….. “A virtual assistant is a self-employed administrative or personal assistant who works remotely (usually at home) for various clients”

My Virtual Assistant job description consists mainly of creating social media content, copy and graphics, engagement on social media and website/app maintenance. I do lots of other tasks on an ad hoc basis for my clients too. My Virtual Assistant services include content writing for mailshots, report writing, research, client management and organising events.

How did you get into that?

The next question is usually, ‘how did you get into that?’ Well….when I first started freelancing as a Virtual Assistant, I was on maternity leave with my second child. Essentially, it was a side hustle I started when I was trying to make a measly maternity pay go a bit further! I read about a freelance website and signed myself up and started bidding on Virtual Assistant UK jobs. I won my first and it went from there!

My credibility grew for my Virtual Assistant services UK, and I found myself thinking….this really could be a viable option as a career. I had been working in training and quality assurance in a role that saw me driving around 500 miles a week. I was working out at client bases during the day and at home in the evenings. With my eldest starting school and the cost and logistics of childcare for two to consider, I was getting a bit panic-stricken as time went on!

I sought out a part-time job (15 hours per week), which I am still in eight years later and I continued to spend the rest of the week freelancing meaning I could choose my own hours half the week and save on childcare!

I have never looked back – read more about how I became a Virtual Assistant here!

Read also the latest Virtual Assistant blog posts….