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Is a Virtual Assistant course going to teach you everything you need to know?

virtual assistant course

If you are thinking of investing in a Virtual Assistant course to give you options for working from home online, chances are you going to be wondering if it is a worthy investment. And rightly so, if you are going to put time and money into something, then you are going to want to get something out of it.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t take a course. But looking back, taking one could have definitely been helpful! Having an intensive from an experienced practitioner which I could use as a resource to dip back into if I was struggling with something in particular down the line, would have been worthwhile having.

Read more: Find clients immediately

BUT….my route into it wasn’t really conventional. I ‘dabbled’ shall we say, to begin with. I read about a freelance website, signed up and started bidding on Virtual Assistant UK jobs. It was only after doing freelance admin work from home for a while that I learned about the job title ‘Virtual Assistant’ and as work sort of found me to begin with, I never advertised myself and so organically learned the ropes as I went along. I was also terrible at earning my worth, charging Virtual Assistant fees that were far, far too little for my time and skillset!!

I do wish looking back that I had done more research, which I feel would have given me more confidence and benefitted me in the early days.

A Virtual Assistant course will give you a structured approach

If you’re heading afresh into the world of Virtually Assisting, you are going to want to set yourself up in the best way possible. A Virtual Assistant course covering all the basics is going to go a long way to supporting you with this and will answer questions and provide advice on so much to do with your planned work and lifestyle change.

In my opinion, as a minimum a Virtual Assistant course should cover basics in:

  • How to set your fees

These are all key cornerstones of the business and so it’s crucial to cover the basics.

What it won’t teach you….

No course is going to teach you ‘everything’ about a subject. This is something you should bear in mind from a Virtual Assistant Course. Expectations should be realistic.

Virtual Assistants tend to be self-employed and that is a whole different ballgame to being in a Virtual Assistant job. You have to be driven, disciplined, motivated and resilient, which a course won’t teach you. A course can inspire and motivate for sure and suggest tools to aid discipline, but the get-up and go every day has to come from you.

In my opinion, a Virtual Assistant course also cannot guarantee you a certain level of income. There are just too many variables at play! I am very skeptical of any course that promises things like £10k a month by month 3 if you follow a certain formula etc etc. Just my humble opinion after doing the maths for a 10k month….

A Virtual Assistant course also won’t teach you things you couldn’t find elsewhere for free. However what it will do is bundle it all up neatly into one place, rather than watching a Youtube video about planning your workload then hopping to one website about finding clients before Googling how to set your Virtual Assistant fees. Research of different sources is useful for sure, but can be exhausting and not time-efficient.

Where can I find a Virtual Assistant course

I was a trainer in a previous life and when Covid virtually shut my business for a while during the start of Covid, I set to with creating a course on how to become a Virtual Assistant to pass on my knowledge. It was something I had wanted to do for a while but hadn’t had time to do.

669 students later, I am privileged to think that I am making a difference to people’s lives. My course is just £34.99 for over an hour of video content and a number of downloadable planners and training materials.

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